Friday, October 5, 2012

Don't get around much anymore...Frames before and afters...

We haven't been getting out much lately because we are getting ready  for the Craft and Antique show in Cowpen's on Oct. 20th...and because Jake has been sick.  So while he was hanging out in bed, I was getting my paint on!
 I scored big time when I was at Target a couple of weeks ago.  They had a bajillion frames on sale-70% off!  I bought a buggy full and had big plans to paint and distress every last one of them.  So, here is the boring, plain black before: (I actually really like black frames but not as much as I like the after...)

(can't get this big space to go away so we will just pretend it is here for dramatic effect!)

The after:  (that is a picture of Jake last year when he turned 10...I need to take his 11 yr. pic's)

I have to of course show you the during too...My business partner wasn't there to help me (this seems to be a pattern...), but I had a couple of body guards there to make sure no one stole the merchandise. :)

I just had to post a picture with my painting pants in it. I am a messy painter. :)  I like to remember what colors I have painted with so I document it on my pants.

 More spray painting...

 I also finished up a chalkboard while waiting for the paint to dry so I could get into the distressing.

 The sicky came to see my progress so he got roped into a photo shoot.

 Aren't they pretty?
 I put a picture of Jake and all his girl cousins on the Harmon side of the family in this one.

 I got a lot of painting done while Jake was sick in bed...Next post: Urns...

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